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Related Questions

Does Simba offer roadside assistance for corporate rentals?
Are repairs included in the corporate rental package?
What should I do if the rental car breaks down?

During the rental period, both Simba Car Hire and the corporate renter share responsibilities for vehicle maintenance, though the specific terms can vary depending on the rental agreement.

Simba’s Responsibilities:

  1. Routine Maintenance: Simba is generally responsible for covering routine maintenance, such as oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections. These services are included in your rental package to ensure the vehicle remains in good condition.

  2. Repairs Due to Mechanical Failures: If the vehicle experiences mechanical failure or issues due to normal wear and tear, Simba typically handles the repairs at no cost to the corporate client. The company will arrange for roadside assistance or repairs through their authorized service centres.

Renter’s Responsibilities:

  1. Regular Care: The corporate renter is expected to take reasonable care of the vehicle during the rental period. This includes avoiding unnecessary damage, reporting issues promptly, and ensuring that the vehicle remains in good driving condition.

  2. Damage or Negligence: If damage occurs due to accidents, misuse, or negligence, the corporate renter may be held responsible for repair costs. This includes damage caused by improper driving, failure to adhere to vehicle care guidelines, or unauthorized modifications.

Reporting Issues:

If a mechanical issue arises or the vehicle needs routine maintenance, it should be reported to Simba immediately so they can coordinate repairs or provide a replacement vehicle if necessary.

In summary, routine maintenance is usually the responsibility of Simba, but the renter is expected to handle the vehicle with care and report any issues promptly. For specific details, refer to the terms of your corporate rental agreement or contact Simba’s customer service for clarification.

Who is responsible for maintaining the vehicle during the rental period?

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